B&R Heating boiler efficiency blog post

Boiler Efficiency – 8 Ways To Improve

Having an inefficient boiler can result in higher bills to pay and less heat than usual until the boiler just gives out completely. Thankfully we can help improve your boiler efficiency and get your boiler running to optimum capacity once more with a few simple checks and tweaks. Let’s go through them.

1. Arrange an annual service

Boilers are an essential part of your home, and just like any essential item, you’ll want to have it checked regularly to ensure it’s still okay to be around or use. By receiving regular servicing from a Gas Safe registered engineer, your boiler will remain running safely and smoothly, stop minor problems before they become bigger ones, and ensure peace of mind year to year for you and your family.

2. Keep your boiler clean

It may seem minor, but dust can have a big impact on your boiler efficiency if left unattended. Removing dust can help prevent your boiler’s tubes and pipes from getting clogged up, thereby restoring its performance and reducing your heating bills.

So the next time you decide to do a spring clean, don’t forget your boiler! Never attempt to clean your boiler’s interior yourself, this can be done by your Gas Safe registered engineer during the annual servicing.

3. Bleed your radiators

By bleeding your radiators regularly, you can improve your radiators’ heat efficiency and potentially result in cheaper bills too. If your radiators take a while to warm up or have cold spots at the top, they’ll need to be bled. If you are unsure on how to do this, check out this helpful video tutorial:

4. Top up the pressure

Have you ever checked the gauge on your boiler? It should read around 1.5 bar if the pressure is healthy. If it’s not within this margin then it’s time to tweak it or else your boiler will not be running efficiently. Check out this handy video for a guide on how to do this: 

5. Use a Powerflush

If you’ve bled your radiators but the cold spots and time to heat up still remains, it might be a result of sludge in your radiator’s pipe deposits. To avoid potential corrosion or worse issues, call over a Gas Safe registered engineer and have them perform a “Powerflush”. A Powerflushing unit sends water through your central heating system at high speed, dislodging any build-ups of sludge, rust and debris.

6. Insulate your pipes

In a similar way to your walls and roof, your boiler can be insulated too! Heat up your home more effectively, reduce heat loss, and keep water hotter for longer with foam tube lagging for your central heating pipes. These foam tubes are available at most DIY stores but can range in size, so make sure you know the size for your pipes, this is another thing an engineer can find out for you during their annual servicing.

7. Turn the heating on

By switching your heating on once a week during the warmer months for around 15 minutes, you can keep your boiler functioning as it should. A simple tip that could save you a lot of hassle in the future!

8. Consider upgrading to a high-efficiency boiler

If none of these tips combined has improved your boiler’s efficiency, it’s probably time to upgrade. Head to our website to receive a free quote, or give us a call on 07740405281.

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