What is a commercial boiler blog post by B&R Heating Ltd

Commercial Boiler Explained

From hospitals and schools to offices and blocks of flats, a whole range of buildings relies on commercial boilers. But what exactly are these appliances, and how do they differ from domestic boilers? If you need any commercial boiler servicing Plymouth, commercial boiler maintenance Plymouth, or any other boiler services, get in contact

Commercial boilers explained

A commercial boiler is a system that provides heating and hot water to a non-domestic building. Usually, these appliances are pressurised systems that either burn fuel or use electricity in order to produce hot water or steam. This hot water or steam is then circulated around the building via a system of pipes and can be used as required to create a comfortable environment. It is common for these systems to use natural gas as fuel, but they can also burn fuel oil or use electricity-resistant coils to generate heat.

When does a boiler become commercial?

If you’re wondering, when does a domestic boiler become commercial, the answer largely depends on the size. Boiler size, or output, is measured in kilowatts (kW). Unsurprisingly, domestic boilers tend to have smaller output than commercial appliances. In many cases, domestic boilers range in size from 24kW to 42kW, although they can be up to 70kW.

In general, appliances larger than this are classed as commercial boilers. These systems are suitable for more sizable premises, whether that’s an office, leisure centre, health centre, college, warehouse, factory, or any other type of non-domestic building. Gas and oil-fired commercial boilers are often in the 250kW to 1,500kW range. This huge spread of output sizes helps to ensure that organisations are able to find appliances that meet their specific heating and hot water needs.

Boiler Service & Maintenance

If your next question is how to book a boiler service, we’ve got you covered. We offer Worcester Bosch boiler installation in Plymouth, boiler repairs in Plymouth, and boiler maintenance in Plymouth (on all commercial and domestic boilers). If you need our assistance, give us a call on 01752 695050 or visit us at brheatingltd.co.uk.

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