What Do Commercial Boilers Do?

What does a commercial boiler do blog post by B&R Heating Ltd

You’ve probably seen us mention the terms “Domestic Boilers” and “Commercial Boilers” but do you know what they actually mean? Let’s discuss the subject of Commercial Boilers.  What are Commercial Boilers?  To put it simply, a commercial boiler is a heating and hot water providing system for any non-domestic building. These can include schools, care homes, aquariums, […]

Do You Have A Sludge Problem?

boiler installation services

Sludge. That word should give you an accurate mental image of what it is. Sludge is a black substance made up of dissolved and rusted metal from the pipe work of your boiler system, sometimes referred to as Magnetite. When air and water react with the steel inside your central heating system, sludge forms. It […]